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From Keith
24-04-2022   (13:57:29)

Car updates
The Audi Quattro now has it's decals and clear coat applied and I've added most of the extra bits to the body. I've also made up the interior plate but as this car is for racing and the motor seems very tight to the interior plate I may well fit a vac-form interior. I've also made up the chassis and fitted a Flat 6RS motor with Slot.It gears, PSR wheels and NSR tyres. Looking like the guide may be a bit of a problem as the Team Slot guide has a spring around the post which means most of the guide holder is bigger than a standard guide stem.

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From Keith
23-04-2022   (00:24:57)

Car updates
Having decided the weather wasn't that bad today I decided to paint the Team Slot Audi Quattro body and while I had the primer out thought I might as well paint the resin Alfa 105.

The Quattro primed nicely,

and took it's orange topcoat with no problems.

I haven't painted that many resin bodies and all that I have I've painted with rattle cans so this would be my first with the airbrush and Zero Paints. I don't know if I didn't wash the body properly, if it's the resin or the paint but I had a few problems.

Looks like I will need to do some sanding before I can even think about the topcoat.

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From Keith
19-04-2022   (13:56:45)

Car updates
The Lotus 49 ran fine at the club tonight and is quite fast but the gearing is right, at least for me, and the rear end of the car was very lively. I think I will enlarge the gear opening in the chassis and go back to a 28T crown gear.

The Ninco XK120, even though only on temporary wheels, ran quite well and should handle a lot better once the I have ordered some new wheels for it. The rear wheels are ok but I had to use the original Ninco front wheels and axle which had quite a bit of free play.

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From Keith
18-04-2022   (13:56:56)

Car updates
I have changed the crown gear on the Lotus 49 back to a 27T and on my home track it now appears to be running ok, will see what happens at the club tomorrow

The Ninco BRG Jaguar XK120 has now been fitted with an Amato 3D printed chassis and a Scaleauto 25K S-can Tech 2 motor. As the XK120 is front engine and has a deep interior this has now been removed and will be replaced with a flat vac-formed drivers tray.

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From Keith
12-04-2022   (13:57:12)

Car updates
I've change the motor in the Lotus 49, the Penelope Pitlane chassis was fitted with a SPR 30k motor and 9/27 gears but I have now replaced the motor with a SRP 35k but to give a bit more brake I have changed the gears to 9/28. On testing at the club track this evening the car appeared to be running ok but then kept stopping, it would then run for a few inches and stop again. It was suggested that the crown gear may be to large for the the PP chassis so some more work will be required.

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From Keith
18-01-2022   (16:05:13)

Car updates
The Scalextric Lotus 49 received yesterday has now been fitted with a Penelope Pitlane chassis so I can use it in my clubs F1 race class.

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